I have spoken in public perhaps over hundred times and yet before every presentation my hands shake and I have a funny feeling in my stomach. If I have to use a hand-held microphone you will even be able to see the shake.
This is not nerves or me being afraid. This is adrenaline pumping through my body. This is perfectly normal so I just accept it and go ahead with the presentation.
You've probably noticed that I use some pretty big photos on each blog post here. That should mean big file sizes - but it doesn't have to.
When you take a high resolution digital photo and simply resize it for your web site you are NOT compressing it. Or if you are, then you are probably not compressing it as much as you could be.
I use a macbook air as my only computer and I do not have an external display. This means that my screen has a maximum resolution of 1440 x 900.
For those of you with multiple monitor setups you might think it is odd but it works for me and forces me to concentrate on the task at hand (or it would if I didn't have a tablet and phone as well).