This blog is in English and it will never be available in any other language as I just don't have the skills to translate it myself. I am definitely not going to install some plugin to add automated translations as I believe that will give a very poor translation.
You might decide to add that to your site but I always feel that offering up no translation is better than a bad translation. On many sites the language switcher does not even indicate that it is a machine translation and what kind of impression does a bad translation create for your readers. So it is something that I have never done on any site I have been involved with.
Walking down the street in a leafy suburb of a town in northern England I stumble across a large bunch of keys on the street. I don't know whose keys they are as there is no handy name tag or address but there is clearly a chance that they will open the lock of one of the doors in one of the houses on this street.
I can't resist the temptation to see which door these keys will unlock and what goodies I can find inside. I'm an inquisitive person, I'm not a thief looking for riches, I'm just a nosey person looking for the thrill of adventure and a good story to tell in the bar.
I am not a strong swimmer OR remotely fit and I thought I should do something about that. The venue for J and Beyond has a great swimming pool so encourage me to stop talking and get in that pool by sponsoring me, please.
I will be raising money for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity (GOSHCC) in London by swimming 1km. That might not seem a lot to some of you but as I don't think I have swum more than 25 metres for over 20 years it's a heck of a long way for me.