Where do I begin…
There are so many reasons to have quality content on your website and your reputation is #1. Without a clear and effective message, you will lose visitors.
Take a step back and really look at your website’s home page. Just the home page. What do you see? If you landed here inadvertently- would you know what the business or service is that the owner is providing. Are you the intended audience for such services? If you are a potential client, do you know what to do next?

Now that might seem like a strange thing to say but if you don't fail at some things then it means that "you are not trying hard enough".
If we always take the "safe" option that has guaranteed success then we will never truly move on and progress.
When I started this blog, and it took a lot of convincing to do it, I took a decision that this blog would not be the usual Joomla blog.
My intention is to write articles that are of interest to a wide audience and to not only provide "tips and tricks" and republished "product news" but also to write articles that are "challenging and make you really think".
Read more: I've taken a bite of the apple

On Friday I did something that I never thought I would ever do. I bought a Mac. To be more exact I bought one of the new aluminium Mac Book Pro.
I've been a PC user for more years than I like to remember and although I have dabbled with OS X on occasions in the past I have never before succumbed.
Right now I feel a little bit like Adam being tempted to take a bite out of the apple by Eve, I just hope it doesn't lead to the same result.
So what made me take the leap?

I know the next big thing on the internet!

Accessibility matters to me - does it matter to the UN?