Something that has been on my personal Joomla todo list for quite a long time has been a real coming soon page. Setting Joomla to offline mode is OK but it looks ugly and because it requires you to login to view the site you don't get to see the site as a regular user will do.
In part one of this series of blog posts I showed you how I created a simple distraction free template to use when editing content. In this post I am going to expand on that work and customise the content creation form itself. Testing showed that there are too many fields on the default form and that this was confusing to users.
Editing Joomla content on the front end is really easy and its something that Joomla has supported for a very long time. But I have found that if you have a complex website with lots of modules on the page then those modules become a distraction. My user wants to click on the edit link and just have the article to edit. No modules, no menus, no slideshows cluttering up the page and distracting them from writing their content.