I've just returned from travelling to the USA where I attended a meeting of the Milwaukee JUG and Joomla!Day DC where I had the opportunity to meet many friends, old and new, some of whom I've previously only met online.
One of the great things about meeting in person is to share stories and adventures, consider new ideas and of course get to know the real person behind the avatar or nickname.
Over the next few days I'll be writing several blog posts as a direct consequence of the trip but before I do that I wanted to share a small story about my adventures travelling to the USA this trip.
Perhaps the greatest things that has happened to me by being part of this amazing Joomla! community is that I have met so many people from all over the world.
Of course I'm not alone in that and probably every one of you reading this blog will have made new friends as a result of your involvement in Joomla!
But making online friends is only the start of it.
Several months ago the "new" OSM board published a set of accounts.
At the time many people in the community questioned the amount of money that was being spent on Legal and PR agency fees.
Today I saw that OSM have published an updated set of accounts and I'm really pleased with what I saw.
The amount of money being spent on Legal and PR have been drastically reduced. Thank you OSM for listening to the community and taking action.