This week I was approached by a book publisher, to review their books on this site. After pointing them to my blog honesty post they agreed to send me two of their latest books for review.
Unfortunately it is not possible to review them because the publisher, Packt, doesn't trust me or you.
Read more: Choosing a domain name

Is your domain HEF?
Selecting a name for your new site is perhaps the most important thing you will ever do. Of course the content and design is important but if no one can remember your name all that time and effort will be wasted.
You'll find loads of sites on the net telling you the golden rules of domain name selection:
Keep It Simple Stupid
Where do you stop. You've got a great idea for an extension but at what point do you say enough is enough and release. There has to be a point in the development of an extension where adding additional features actualy detracts from the effectiveness of the extension rather than adding to it.