One of the changes in Joomla 1.5.8 is changes with some of the newsfeeds supplied as sample data which according to this bug report
It appears that all Joomla installations have been providing a loophole for advertising for Linuxcentral.com products in every installation"
This suprised me as very few of the Joomla sites I visit actualy use the newsfeed component to display feeds, so if the component isn't in use on a site how is this happening?
Read more: Spot the difference - the forgotten interface

Spot the difference was one of my favourite games when I was a child.
(No Wii or Playstations when I was a child, and only 3 television stations - how did we ever survive such a primitive lifestyle).
I always struggled to find all the differences, my sister was so much better at this game than me.
But I bet everyone can spot the differences in the next picture - a screenshot of the Joomla administrator interface.
Read more: Using non-web standard fonts

At some point in a web developers life you will no doubt be asked to build a web site using the organisations standard font or some wierd and wonderful font a photoshop designer has set their heart on.
Despite much talk in the standards bodies to permit the embedding of fonts in a web page this is not yet a viable option and we are left to either convince the client they can only use web standard fonts or to create the text using an image.