Some people are able to open up a graphic editor and produce stunning original artwork for their web sites. I'm not one of those people. For me it's usually a case of searching the net in the hope of finding the perfect graphic that exactly matches my needs. Usually I fail in that search and end up with the closest thing I can find.
Yesterday was world backup day. Did you remember to take your backups? Of course you're taking them daily aren't you and not just once a year!!
Every Joomla user knows that they can use the awesome Akeeba Backup to take a backup of their site quickly and easily and even automate the process so that the backup is taken daily, with the backup archives stored in a secure off-site location.
When you went to backup your WordPress, phpBB, PrestaShop or other php/sql web site were you jealous?
The conversation about the change in licence for the Joomla Framework has clearly raised many strong opinions as well as some confusion. I admit I was confused at first regarding the version of the LGPL that was to be used as it was missing from the original post by Paul but once that was clarified I did update my post. However I believe there is one "confusion" that still can be resolved.