One of the slides I had to drop from my "Hidden Joomla Secrets" presentation was an ugly hack to solve what for me has been a long standing issue with Joomla user registration.
By default joomla provides no method to pre-approve registrations before providing access. Currently there are two choices
- Automatically approve on signup.
- Automatically approve once email has been confirmed.
There is no option for the site administrator to approve registrations first. For me that has been an issue on many sites, hence the ugly hack, and I see many people installing complex extensions e.g. Community Builder to resolve this simple issue.
Not any more!!
Last weekend, June 12-14, I had the pleasure and honour to speak and present at Joomla!Days in the Netherlands.
Over large amounts of coffee, and some beer, I spoke to friends, old and new, and with (only a) little exception the topic of conversation was the same.
"I'm going to stick my head above the parapets now and say aloud what so many are thinking and saying in private."
Where is joomla going? What is the future of joomla?
Last weekend I was fortunate to have been invited to present at in the Netherlands.