"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains.The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
William Arthur Ward
This year I have been fortunate to travel and speak about Joomla in 13 countries across almost all the continents on the planet. One thing I quickly learned is that despite increasing globalistaion and harmonisation we are all different.
I've written before about the obvious differences of language but there's much more too it than that. Local culture and economics play an important part as well in defining and differentiating the Joomla communities around the world.
Over 28,000 people have now seen the slides of the presentation but sadly only about five hundred have seen the presentation live in it's full glory.
Those of you who have seen one of my presentations before will know that the slides are only a small part of the presentation. It's just not the same without the full visual and audio experience.