For the last year I've been helping my father publish his memoirs, A Lawyer for All Seasons, and on Monday that whole process reaches it's natural conclusion with the Press Launch.
After practicing as a Lawyer for 60 years dad had a lot to say and with him being a technophobe it's been a long and drawn out process. Everyone in the family is a Lawyer except for me and so with me being the black sheep who did understand IT it was up to me to help out.
... Building the New Age of Participation
It doesn't matter if you are involved in an established Open Source community project, thinking of starting a new project or battling through some community issues this book is for you.
The author Jono Bacon has unparalleled experience in cultivating and motivating to become active parts of vibrant and successful on-line communities.
I've lost track of the number of people who have asked me to recommend a good book for Joomla beginners. If only I had a £/$/€ for each request.
With so many books to chose from it's not surprising that there will be both good and bad.
I have "packed in" reading books from one publisher they just don't do it for me, another publisher needs to get "real" and not think they can get away renaming a 1.0 title as 1.5 without even remembering to make simple changes like mambots to plugins. Finally I'm not sure who was the "dummy", me for buying that book or the author thinking they knew enough to write the book.
During the holiday season instead of planting yourself on the sofa in front of the TV and staring mindlessly at repeats of old movies "Why Don't You Just Switch Off YourTelevision Set and Go and Do Something Less Boring Instead?"
(That was the name of a UK TV show in the 80's that ran during the school holidays.)
Having just finished reading "Little Brother" by Cory Doctorow I can't think of a better way to spend the holiday break.
Amateur hour has arrived, and the audience is running the show
In a hard-hitting and provocative polemic, Silicon Valley insider and pundit Andrew Keen exposes the grave consequences of today’s new participatory Web 2.0 and reveals how it threatens our values, economy, and ultimately the very innovation and creativity that forms the fabric of American achievement.